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Activities of IQAC




IQAC was set up at Jeypore College of Pharmacy with a vision to create a quality culture focused on excellence at the institutional level. IQAC seeks to create, nourish, and improve quality through a focus on institutional functioning based on service quality as its core value. By enhancing communication with stakeholders, it would be possible to unclog the internalization of such a culture permeating every sphere of the council. Better decision-making materials, less collaboration among council members, and a better decision-making process would all be possible.

          The work of the IQAC is a major step towards the internalization and institutionalization of quality management. The IQAC is structured around the growth-driven direction of the institution and promotes a sense of belonging and participation in every building block of the institution. In order to eliminate deficits and improve quality in the institution, the IQAC develops action plans that are aligned to “quality circles” in creative industriousness. Jeypore College of Pharmacy’s IQAC consists of the prismatic operational units required for the productive and efficient functioning of the institution: Faculty from all programs, Administration, Accounts, and Library. All of these units contribute to the holistic growth of the institution and its students. The IQAC coordinates these units in a single direction and is closely involved with the qualitative development of academic and executive norms in the College. A facilitative and participative voluntary organ of the institution, the IQAC combines the coordination of each of the interlinked members in the process of planning, development, assurance, and monitoring of quality in the College.

          A workshop was held by the IQAC on “CPCSEA Guidelines for animal experimentation” in the month of February 2022, and one on “Research Methodology: Regression Tool for Pharmaceutical Formulation” in June 2022, both for students. Furthermore, IQAC ensured students were trained to quickly adapt to technological changes in pharmacy. The IQAC organized two Student Development Programmes in September 2022 entitled “Current Trends in Drug Development” and “Current and Cutting-Edge Technologies in NDDS.”

          IQAC also organises different events on a regular basis so that students can participate in cultural, spiritual and technological programs. Which promote leadership and overall holistic growth.