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Here is a list of members of the IQAC as follows:

  1. Chairperson: Head of the Institution Prof. (Dr.) Prithwiraj Mohapatra, Principal
    2. Teachers to represent all levels (Three to eight) Each Department Head
    I. HOD of Pharmaceutics –Prof (Dr.) SK. Mohamad Ather Alli
    II. HOD of Pharmacognosy – Prof (Dr.) S. K. Panda, Vice-Principal

III. HOD of PA & QA – Prof (Dr.) V Sridevi 
IV. IQAC  Coordinator – Mrs Manasi Khadenga, Asst. Professor
V. HOD of Pharmacology – Mr Sujit Kumar Martha, Associate Professor

  1. HOD Pharmaceutical chemistry-Prof. (Dr) Saroj Kumar Sahu, Professor
  2. One member from the Management- Er. Umesh Chandra Mishra
    4. Few Senior administrative officers
    I. Mr Saswat Kumar Rath, Office Superintendent
    II. Mr Rama Krushna Gouda
    5. One nominee each from local society, Students and Alumni
    I. Er. Umesh Chandra Mishra (Society)
    II. Mantosh Padhy (Student member)
    III. Girish Pattanaik (Alumni)
    6. One nominee each from Employers /Industrialists/Stakeholders
    1. Er. Ranganatha Mishra (Employers)
    2. B. Ram Prasad (Industrialist)
    Copy to all members.