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Herbal garden

Herbal garden

Jeypore College of Pharmacy is rich with a well settled herbal garden, having several numbers of medicinal plants for the purpose of almost all therapeutic value. The sources of collection of herbal plants are as follows:

  •  M/S. Swaminathan Herbal Research Garden.
  •  Forest Division of Jeypore
  •  Plant Nursery of Koraput
  •  Tribal areas of Koraput

The herbal garden is daily facilities with cleaning, watering system. Mr. Sangram Keshari Panda (M. Pharm., Pharmacognosy) is in-charge of garden. Mr. Mansign Majhi, is the gardener. Dr. S. Swain (Herbal, Scientist, M/S. Swaminathan Herbal Research Garden, Jeypore) is the advisor of garden as well as plantation.

Green Scenario

    •  Campus is full of plants.
    •  About 0.5 to 1 acres of land has been planted with following plants:
    •  SAGUAN  (Tectona grandis)—200 nos. and above
    •  GAMBHARI (Gmelina arborea)—30 nos. and above
    •  SISU (Dalbergia sissoo)—50 nos. and above
    •  JHAUN (Casuarina eqisetifolia)—10 nos. and above
    •  CHAKUNDA (Cassia occidentalis) – 30 nos. and above
    •  NILAGIRI (Eucalyptus regnons) – 10 nos. and above
    •  Several no. of Medicinal plants has been planted in the college campus
    •  We have a specific Herbal Garden containing some medicinal plants listed below.
    Sl no. Name of the plant Biological name Medicinal uses Nos. of Available
    1. BACHA Acros calamus NERVOUS DISEASE 02
    2. BASANGA Adhatoda vasaca EXPECTORANT 01
    3. BELA Aegle marmalus LAXATIVE 04
    4. JANGGGALA RASUN Allium perpurium ANIMAL DISEASE 01
    6. SAPURI Ananus comosus FLAVOURING AGENT 02
    7. KADAMBA Anthocephalus cadamba ANALGESIC 01
    8. GUA Areca catechu TOOTH DISEASE 03
    9. SATAVARI Asparasgus racemosus VITALISER 03
    10. NIMBA Azadirachata indica ANTIBACTERIAL 04
    11. SINDUR Bixa orellena COLOURING AGENT 20
    12 AMARPOI Bryophyllum pinnatum DIARRHOEA O3
    13. SALAP Caryota urens VITALIZER 02
    14. BRAHMI Centella asiatica SKIN DISEASE 02
    15. NADIA Cocous nucifera LIVER DISORDER 02
    16. HALDI Curcuma longa  SKIN DISEASE 07
    17. BARUNA Crateva megna SKIN DISEASE 02
    18. GHANTIANA Cissus quadrangular BONE FRACTURE 02
    19. LEMON Cymbopogon citrus PERFUM 02
    20. LEMON GRASS Cymbopogon  flexosus MASQUITO REPLELLANT 15
    21. RUDRAKASHA Elaeocarpus spharercius HIGHBLOOD PRESSURE 03
    22. CHAMPA Euchelia champaca FLAVOURING AGENT 07
    23. JAMU Eugenia    jambolan ANTIDIABETIC 01
    24. AYAPPA Eupatrinium ayappa COAGULANT 01
    25. PATRASIJU Euphorbia nerrrrifolia ARTHITIS 02
    26. RABARA Ficus leastica PHARMACEUTICAL AID 02
    27. GUDMARI Gymnea sylverstre ANTIDIABETIC 01
    28. MANDARA Hibicus rosasinensis HAIR CONDITIONER 06
    29. BAIGABA Jatropa urcus BIODISEAL 03
    30. HENNA LIawsonia inermis LIVER DISORDER 07
    31. LICHU Lichi chinensis STOMACHI 01
    32. KARANJA Logamia pinnata TOOTH DISEASE 05
    34. BRUSANGA Murrya paniculata PEPTIC ULCER 03
    35. GANGSIULI Nyctaanches acboritis ANTI MALARIA 10
    36. DHALA TULASI Ocimum bacillus COUGH,COLD 05
    37. KALATULASI Ocium sanctum ANTI MALARIA 04
    38. ANALA Phyllanthus emblica STOMACHI,VIT-C 01
    39. GOLMARICH Pipper nigrum CARMINATIVE 01
    40. PESTA BADAM Prunus amygdalus VITALIZER 06
    41 MUCHUKUNDA Pterosperium acerifolium SKIN DISEASE 04
    42. DALIMBA Punica grantum CARDIOTONIC,VIT-C 05
    43. PATAL GARUDA Rauwolfia serpentina SNAKE BITE 02
    44. AKARAKAR Spilllanthes acmella TOOTH DISEASES 03
    45. TAGAR Tebernaemonatana divaricata ORNAMENTAL 04
    46. GUDUCHI Tinospora corodifolia ANTIRHEUMATISM 02
    47. SADABIHARI Vinca rosea ANTI TUMOR 02
    48. BEGUNIA Vitex negundo ARTHRITIS 03
    49. STEVIA Stevia rubadiana ANTIDIABETIC 02
    50. ARJUNA Terminalia arjuna CARDIOTONIC 02
    51. PAPAYA Carica papaya DISESTANT 01
    52. MOHAGONI Swietenia mohagoni B.P REGULATOR 03
    53. PANAMADHURI Foeniculum vulgare CARMINATIVE 01
    54. BISALYA KARANI Tridax procumbens  ANTICEPTIC 01
    55. DURDHURA Datura metal COUGH,ASTHAMA 02
    56. LABANGA Eugenia caryophyllus DENTAL ANALGESIC 01
    57. DALCHIN Cinnamomum zeylanicum FLAVOURING AGENT 01
    58. ALEICHA Elettaria cardamomum FLAVOURING AGENT 01
    59. KAITHA Elephant staber APPITIZER 02
    60. SAPETA Manilkara zapota DIRRHOEA 01
    61. PANASA Atrocarpus heterophyllus SKIN DISEASES 01
    62. KIA Pandanus odorifer  ANALGESIC 01
    63. BAUNSA bambusa vulgaries ANTIFERTILITY 02
    64. CHANDANA santalum album FLAVOURING AGENT 05
    65. PODINA mentha spicata INDIGATION 02
    66. SUDARSANA crinum latifolia EAR DISEASES 01
    68. JUNGLE PYAJ urgenia indica  CARDIOTONIC 01
    69. RUDRAKSHYA elaeocarpus ganitrus BLOOD PRESSURE 01
    70. COFFEE coffee arabica CNS STIMULANT 20
    71. PANAMADHURE foeniculum vulgare FLAVOURING AGENT 01
    72. BISALYAKARANI tridax procubens ANTISEPTIC 01
    73. KANIAR thevitia nerifolia CARDIOTONICS 02
    74. DURDHURA datura metal COUGH,ASTHAMA 02


    •   We have separate garden of coffee plants of number more than 50 plants with continuous flowering and fruiting.
    •   We have Panchamukhi Rudraskhya plant and every year we are collecting fruits and using for spiritual purpose.
    •   We have Gulmoricha plant and every year we are collecting 2 to 3 Kg fruits.
    •   We have coloring agent source plants from fruits of Bixa plant.
    •   We have Gudumari plant, highly effective for Diabetes, as effective as Insulin.
    •   We have Hadajoda plant.