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Jeypore College of Pharmacy has one well designed Quality Control Laboratory for Quality Control Test of Solid Dosage forms like TABLETS and CAPSULES as per INDIAN PHARMACOPOIEA. The laboratory is containing following instruments and following tests are carried out.The quality control laboratory of a pharmacy is a critical component of the overall pharmaceutical industry. This laboratory is responsible for ensuring that the drugs and other products produced by the pharmacy meet the required standards of quality, purity, and potency. The laboratory staff uses a variety of analytical techniques, such as chromatography, spectrophotometry, and microscopy, to test and verify the quality of the products. They also perform stability testing to ensure that the products retain their potency and effectiveness over time. The results of these tests are used to make decisions about the release of the products for distribution and use. The quality control laboratory plays a crucial role in maintaining the safety and efficacy of the drugs, and it is essential for maintaining the confidence of the patients and healthcare providers in the products produced by the pharmacy.

Sl. No. Q.C. Test Instruments Used Objective
01 Thickness & Diameter Slide caliper and screw gauge To measure thickness and diameter of dosage form
02 Weight variation test Digital balance To measure uniformity in weight of dosage forms to ascertain dose accuracy
03 Hardness test

Monsanto Hardness Tester

Pfizer Hardness Tester

To measure crushing strength of Tablet
04 Friability Test Roche Friabilator To determine Tablet compression problem
05 Disintegration Test Disintegration Apparatus To find out disintegration time of tablet
06 Drug content test UV-Visible Spectrophotometer To find out the drug content in dosage form
07 Dissolution Test

Dissolution Apparatus


UV-Visible Spectrophotometer

To find out the pattern of drug release from dosage form